Privacy Policy

Our company takes the privacy of our website users and customers very seriously, so we implement the necessary security measures to safeguard your privacy. This privacy policy applies to how we use and protect the personal information that you provide us when using this website.

Be informed that our company may update this privacy policy from time to time. Please make sure to check this page every now and then to make sure that you agree with any implemented changes.


Information we collect includes the website user’s name, job title, company name, contact details, demographic data, and other customer-related details.

The information we gather to what your needs are and how we can help will be used for these particular reasons:

  • Improvement of our services and products.
  • Sending of promotional emails regarding our new offers, exclusive deals and other information that may interest you.
  • Internal record keeping.
  • Contacting you for market research purposes thru phone, email, mail, or fax.
  • Customising our website based on your interests.

This is how we collect the information about you and from you;

  • Direct interaction. This pertains to you providing your personal data by filling out forms present on this website or any hard copy forms.
  • Data provided by purchasing our products and services, registering to use our websites, completing our online forms, and subscribing to SMS alerts or to receive emails.
  • Reporting issues within our websites.
  • Entering a survey or promotion.
  • Providing feedback.


The third-party providers we use will only be allowed to collect, use, and disclose your personal data to the extent necessary to permit them to carry out the services they give to us.

Our company strongly recommended that you also check out the privacy policies of these providers to fully understand how your data will be handled.

The following are the circumstances wherein we may share your information with third parties:

  • We may share your personal data to third parties, or our business partners and suppliers. Or, if necessary, by law.
  • If we have to comply with any legal obligation or to apply or enforce our terms of use and other relevant agreements.
  • We may exchange data with other organisations and companies for purposes of credit risk reduction or fraud protection.

Rest assured that we will require our staff and third-party providers to respect your personal information’s security and not use it for their own purposes. We will also ensure only to give them permission to process your data for particular purposes, still in accordance with our strict instructions.


To protect your personal data, our company follows the industry best practices and takes all the reasonable precautions to ensure its security. We will make sure that it will not be inappropriately accessed, altered, disclosed, lost, destroyed, and misused. Rest assured that your personal information will only be used in accordance with our strict instructions and that those who will be provided with access are subject to a duty of confidentiality.


Our company will retain the personal information you provided to us as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we gathered it for, such as the purposes of satisfying any reporting, accounting or legal requirements.

We take into account the nature, sensitivity or amount of data to determine the proper retention period for your personal information. We also consider the potential risk of harm from unauthorised disclosure or use of data, the purposes for which we process the data, and whether we can attain those purposes through other means, as well as the appropriate legal requirements.


Under particular circumstances, you have the following rights under data protection laws in relation to the personal information you provided to us.

  • Request correction to your personal data. This allows you to have inaccurate or incomplete data to be corrected. We will also verify if the new information you give to us is accurate.
  • Request access to your personal information. This allows you to get a copy of your personal data and check that we are lawfully processing it.
  • Request erasure to your personal data. This allows you to request the removal and deletion of your data where there is no good reason for us to continue processing it.
  • Object to processing your personal information where we are relying on a legitimate interest, and there is something about your specific situation that makes you want to object to processing on this ground as you think it impacts on your fundamental rights and freedoms.
  • Withdraw consent at any time where we’re relying on consent to process your personal information. Please be informed that this will not impact the lawfulness of any processing performed prior to the consent withdrawal.


If you would like to correct, delete, amend or access any personal data we have about you, or you have any other questions, requests, or comments about this privacy policy, you may contact us at